Goooooooood evening! It’s been way too long since I posted here and so many things have happened in the meantime. So where should we start?! Server issues A couple of days ago, we had some issues with the database, which holds the data for the online shop as well as the forum. After some back and forth and careful consideration, we decided to restore a backup of the database from a few days prior to the issues. As a result there might be some forum entries missing right now, but […]
Category: Lockheed Vega
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0 on Dev Blog 10 – server upgrades
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Dev Blog 9 – Audio Crisis
0 on Dev Blog 9 – Audio Crisis
As you all know, sound is a primary key to creating an immersive experience. The Wing42 Lockheed Vega 5 is still lacking this level of immersion and it has always been one of my sore spots. By-passing my to-do list for the next version, I sat down and put some serious time into the development of our own sound engine. In this article I want to outline the various pitfalls of this round of development and also what you can expect in terms of sound. First of let me clarify […]
CONTINUE READING Dev Blog 9 – Audio Crisis 6 min read
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Lockheed Vega 5 – Update 0.04 now available
0 on Lockheed Vega 5 – Update 0.04 now available
The Lockheed Vega 5 received her first update to version 0.04. Here’s a list of the new features and fixes. Special effectsThe Lockheed Vega 5 now features effects that were expertly developed by FSFX Packages. The effects include new start-up smoke, landing light, touchdown effects, water spray, etc. Two new liveriesThe package now features a livery of the Alaskan airline Mirow Air Service and a fictional livery for our friends at The Sky Lounge Fuel dumpYou’ll find a fuel dump valve mounted under the wobble pump. Walkaround InterfaceA new panel […]
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Lockheed Vega 5 sales figures and shout-outs
0 on Lockheed Vega 5 sales figures and shout-outs
Good afternoon! Before starting the Wing42 venture, I felt it was prudent to conduct some market research in order to get an estimate of the market size and expected sales figures for flightsim add-ons. This is an important step for anyone who wants to sell any product, since you can use the numbers in the cost-analysis to find a sales price that makes the business sustainable. Well… turns out it is really difficult to find some indicative numbers, other than very broad figures like total number of FSXSE sales (around […]
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FSFX effects coming for the Wing42 Lockheed Vega 5!
0 on FSFX effects coming for the Wing42 Lockheed Vega 5!
We are very happy to announce that FSFX are currently developing a Special Effects package, customized for the Wing42 Lockheed Vega 5. The package will be part of the next update of the aircraft and will be free of charge for all customers. The release of the update is currently scheduled for the end of July. FSFX develops high-quality special effects for selected aircraft add-ons for FSX and Prepar3D. Their product selection includes effect sets for the Quality Wings 787, the Majestics Q400, the PMDG B737, and others. They are […]
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Developer’s Blog 8 – High school physics
0 on Developer’s Blog 8 – High school physics
Only once did I fail a physics exam in high school. And when I say fail, I mean that I got my butt handed to me, sprinkled with disappointed and shame. Zero points. ZERO points! I didn’t even get a pity point for spelling my name correctly. The dreadful topic was: heat. Why am I telling you this? Because I am currently implementing all these high school physics’ formulas I should’ve known 20 years ago into the Vega’s system simulation. Those of you who bought the aircraft in Early Access […]
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Dev Blog 7 – long time no see
0 on Dev Blog 7 – long time no see
Oh man, time passes so quickly these days. I am certain that the earth spins MUCH faster now than it did when I was six years old. The truth is that sometimes things just won’t work out the way we plan them. And while I was certain to meet my deadline last time I wrote a devblog, reality hit hard. In essence my plan collapsed when my to-do-list grew bigger the closer I got to the projected date of release. And here we are, months later you still haven’t heard […]
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Lockheed Vega 5 now in Early Access!
0 on Lockheed Vega 5 now in Early Access!
Ladies and Gentlemen, In case you haven’t seen it yet, the Lockheed Vega is now available for purchase in Early-Access! As you can imagine, the previous weeks have been crazy for us but I feel very confident that we released a product that is very solid, despite it being Early-Access. My biggest fear going into Early-Access has always been that customers feel like they’re not getting their moneys worth, which was the main reason for various delays of beforehand. But so far I had zero support requests regarding the aircraft […]
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Dev Blog 6 – fiat lux (part II)
0 on Dev Blog 6 – fiat lux (part II)
In part one of the blog, I wrote about the electrical system. Both, as observed in FSX/P3D as well how we overcome it’s shortcomings. But so far we only covered the electrical sources of the Vega, namely battery, generator and ground power unit. This time I want to move on to write about the consumers of electricity. Design principles As with most other simulated components of the Vega, I try to modularize as much as possible. That allows me an easier debugging process, it’s easier to maintain code, quicker to […]
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Dev Blog 5 – fiat lux (part I)
0 on Dev Blog 5 – fiat lux (part I)
In this blog entry I will talk about some aspects of the electrical system implemented in our simulated Lockheed Vega 5. And even though the Vega’s electrics are very simple, there is a lot to write about it. Therefore I decided to split this up into two parts to make it more accessible. I hope that you gain some useful insight, not only to how things work in this little airplane, but also into my approach of simulating real world physics in the FSX/Prepar3D. What the FS provides I always […]