One big issue that had been bugging me for a long time is that of the radio equipment. The Boeing 247, and especially that later “D” variant utilized cutting edge technologies, which included some state-of-the-art radio equipment. The problem is, that by today’s standard, and thus the standard of Microsoft Flight Simulator, those technologies are hopelessly outdated and simply not used anymore. This bears some issues for us. Since we want to bring you a most realistic and historically accurate experience, the lack of low-frequency radio stations and the modern […]
Tag: awesome
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14 on Dev Blog 16 – Flying “the beam”
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Dev Blog 15 – Why delay??
6 on Dev Blog 15 – Why delay??
Hello and Happy New Year everybody! If you come here often, you might wonder why there’s still no Boeing 247D available on the store. And of course the answer is that: “she’s not perfect yet!”. As always, some new idea made it onto the feature list, which caused a big delay – but trust me, it’s worth the extra wait! Towards the end of last year, I had the honor of being featured on the livestream of “The Flying Fabio”. After talking about the radio on the stream, I was […]
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Dev Blog 14 – Clipboard and Payload
8 on Dev Blog 14 – Clipboard and Payload
It’s time to have a talk about the clipboard of the Wing42 Boeing 247D. In previous installments of the Microsoft Flight Simulator, it was common for 3rd party aircraft developers to utilize 2D panels as a user interface for any sim-related interactions. An example for that is the payload manager of our P3D/FSX Lockheed Vega. MSFS completely removed 2D panels with no alternative way for us to generate a custom user interface. Before we dive into the fascinating world of clipboards, let me put a disclaimer: all the features shown […]