Kategorie: Blériot XI

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Presenting: The Wing42 Blériot XI

Die Wing42 Blériot XI There’s been a slight change of plans that took shape over the past couple of weeks. Due to some technical issues regarding the Lockheed Vega for MSFS, another project of mine became the center of attention and is now only hours away from completion. I started working on a Blériot XI all the way back in …. I can’t even tell how long ago – but it’s been years. It was a project I worked on on the side and for FSX back in the days. […]

CONTINUE READING Presenting: The Wing42 Blériot XI 1 min read

Dev Blog 10 – server upgrades

Goooooooood evening! It’s been way too long since I posted here and so many things have happened in the meantime. So where should we start?! Server issues A couple of days ago, we had some issues with the database, which holds the data for the online shop as well as the forum. After some back and forth and careful consideration, we decided to restore a backup of the database from a few days prior to the issues. As a result there might be some forum entries missing right now, but […]

CONTINUE READING Dev Blog 10 – server upgrades 3 min read
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