The first three blogposts were intended to give you a broader perspective on the Lockheed Vega project. But I think it’s now time to leave that behind and start to talk business! It’s time to jump into the nitty-gritty of the development. And I chose the topic of “barometer”, because it was one of the first systems implemented in our Vega. Like in most other aircraft, there are three instruments in the Vega that rely on barometric sensors. Namely the Altimeter, Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) and the Airspeed Indicator (ASI). […]
Category: Lockheed Vega
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CONTINUE READING Dev Blog 4 – On barometers 3 min read
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Devblog 3 – The big picture
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I spend some time outline the history of the Lockheed Vega and the reasons why we chose to bring her to the Flight Simulator, I am still not quite ready to write about the development itself. In this blog post I want to give you an idea of where we want to go with this project and what you can expect over the course of the next months. The overarching goal of our project is to give you the most immersive and realistic experience of what it is like to […]
CONTINUE READING Devblog 3 – The big picture 5 min read
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Devblog 2 – Lockheed Vega in the Sim
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In my first blog post, I wrote a small summary about the Lockheed Vega in real life. In this second blog I want to walk you through my thought process of choosing this airplane for our first product. I always loved vintage airplanes. To me, nothing beats the reluctance start of a spitting and coughing radial engine like the P&W R-1340. I enjoy the awkward beauty of old aircraft designs. And in the simulator I relish the messiness of a steam-gauged cockpit and all the potential problems and hazards that […]
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Devblog 1 – The Lockheed Vega
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The Lockheed Vega for Flight Simulator has been in development for almost a year now. And since this is the first time I am writing about it, I don’t really know how to start. There are so many things that make this project exciting for me, so many details that we try to incorporate into our simulation and a lot of interesting things that we accomplished so far. I will try to keep my development logs concise and limited to a selected topic to make them a more interesting read. […]