We launched our Boeing 247D, and what a launch this was… We’ve been working on the add-on until the last minute with some of us getting only very little sleep the days leading up to the 2nd of April. Everything was pretty much on track, although I did have to push some of my want-to-dos down the road to be finished in a future update. Namely interactive checklists and the write-up of a more detailed explanation of the damage model we use in our Boeing. To me, it felt that […]
Category: Information
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8 on Of Launches, Installers, Support and Servers
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The all-new website!
1 on The all-new website!
It was time for an update. The design of the old website goes back to when we started in 2017. While I really liked the vintage look and feel of it, the underlying technology was getting old. I originally wanted to update the website before the release of the Blériot XI, but I couldn’t find the time to do so and finally decided to wait for a time after release. But then bad things started to happen only a few weeks ago. I had customers reporting that they weren’t able […]
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Winding down 2020
0 on Winding down 2020
Winding down 2020 As the “year of doom” slowly winds down, it is time to reflect on the past few months and give some outlook of what’s to come in 2021. No matter how discouraging and difficult 2020 has been for most of us, the flightsim community truly has reason to celebrate. With the advent of Microsoft Flight Simulator, we witnessed an incredible jump in available technology that will keep our shared Hobby up-to-date for many years to come. Despite its flaws, the new sim certainly raised the bar of […]
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Wing42 for MSFS
0 on Wing42 for MSFS
Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s time for us to have a little chat about our plans for the upcoming Microsoft Flight Simulator. Initially, I was very skeptical when Microsoft announced their comeback to the flight simulator world back in June 2019. This skepticism was based on the bad experience we had with the failed Flight and Microsoft’s subsequent and complete withdrawal from the market. As I am writing this, all of my initial negativity is utterly blown away and before we get into the actual topic of this blog post, I […]
CONTINUE READING Wing42 for MSFS 4 min read
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Dev Blog 10 – server upgrades
0 on Dev Blog 10 – server upgrades
Goooooooood evening! It’s been way too long since I posted here and so many things have happened in the meantime. So where should we start?! Server issues A couple of days ago, we had some issues with the database, which holds the data for the online shop as well as the forum. After some back and forth and careful consideration, we decided to restore a backup of the database from a few days prior to the issues. As a result there might be some forum entries missing right now, but […]
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Lockheed Vega 5 sales figures and shout-outs
0 on Lockheed Vega 5 sales figures and shout-outs
Good afternoon! Before starting the Wing42 venture, I felt it was prudent to conduct some market research in order to get an estimate of the market size and expected sales figures for flightsim add-ons. This is an important step for anyone who wants to sell any product, since you can use the numbers in the cost-analysis to find a sales price that makes the business sustainable. Well… turns out it is really difficult to find some indicative numbers, other than very broad figures like total number of FSXSE sales (around […]
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Dev Blog 7 – long time no see
0 on Dev Blog 7 – long time no see
Oh man, time passes so quickly these days. I am certain that the earth spins MUCH faster now than it did when I was six years old. The truth is that sometimes things just won’t work out the way we plan them. And while I was certain to meet my deadline last time I wrote a devblog, reality hit hard. In essence my plan collapsed when my to-do-list grew bigger the closer I got to the projected date of release. And here we are, months later you still haven’t heard […]